How Physical Forms Influence Hazard

This post informs you of how physical forms of a chemical product can alter its hazard. Fine powders and fibres can increase the hazard compared to standard forms. Large forms or encapsulated product can reduce the hazard, and associated warnings on the label. When classifying products, the physical form should be taken into account.

What to expect from future chemical regulation

This post informs you of EU and global changes to chemical regulation. EU Regulation is expected to become the Gold Standard which will be influence chemicals policy in other countries. These radical proposals will compel industry to produce safer products, eliminate hazardous substances, and improve sustainability.

Risk assessment: Part 2, COSHH Assessment

This post explains how the safety data sheet (SDS) is used in COSHH assessment for health and the environment risk. It is also a plea to SDS authors to add useful, specific and quantitative recommendations in their SDSs to improve their utility for risk assessment purposes.

Risk assessment: Part 1, chemical safety assessment

This post describes the principles of risk assessment, particularly the chemical safety assessment required in the REACH Registration. We outline the process for the toxicological risk assessment, and its utility in providing users with risk management measures for using the chemical safely.

Guide to chemical hazard classification: Part 1, substances

You must classify chemical substances and mixtures before they are placed on the market. This guide tells you how the classification processes work. Substance classification is usually achieved through testing, although structure–activity relationships may also help. There are also inventories of hazard classification, that simplify substance classification.